Fallacy or Truth: The State of American Education Today
3 Great Reasons to Buy from Us:
Many Americans have questions about the quality of education in the United States and whether it will get worse before it gets better. Many newspapers report the dire circumstances of education and the struggles that schools are facing meeting Adequate Yearly Progress. Understanding the child’s world is the place we must begin. Society can play the blame game by saying it’s their (parents, teachers, schools) fault or businesses and communities can support learning and teaching. We must restore faith in our educators and classrooms in order to support the challenges of society today. Teachers desire to provide the best support to learners, but more time for professional development, better community support, financial resources and innovative teaching will be the foundation for a solid society in the future.
Many Americans have questions about the quality of education in the United States and whether it will get worse before it gets better. Many newspapers report the dire circumstances of education and the struggles that schools are facing meeting Adequate Yearly Progress. Understanding the child’s world is the place we must begin. Society can play the blame game by saying it’s their (parents, teachers, schools) fault or businesses and communities can support learning and teaching. We must restore faith in our educators and classrooms in order to support the challenges of society today. Teachers desire to provide the best support to learners, but more time for professional development, better community support, financial resources and innovative teaching will be the foundation for a solid society in the future.